I've been practicing at longer ranges-up to 50-60 yds for about a year now. Just a few arrows each session, but - as some have already said- distance magnifies your errors- so it seems that the mind kind of buckles down and focuses better, or longer, or whatever. It's the antithesis of the reason we all limit our hunting shots to short range..... short shots=small dispersions .....long shots=larger groups. But, if practicing at long range can actually improve my form....I'll do it! GFA said it all better, and he's right. Other than when the wind is blowing hard or gusting -then I think shooting long range is really counter-productive. One thing that I think is even more important when practicing at longer ranges: don't let vertical misses effect you. Our brains aren't yet dialed in for those ranges, missing high or low aren't that important. Most horizontal misses are form related though, and form breaks are what we'd ideally love to eliminate. Just my opinion.