I have a trail camera ... and I've decided I like the pics, etc., but don't like using one to hunt.
I don't have a dog in this fight, its just my personal opinion, but a trail camera seems more like peeking in the neighbor's window than acutally hunting. Besides, what's on the trail camera pics three weeks old isn't what the sign on the ground is showing.
Call me old fashioned, but I like to be in the woods, smell the air, feel the moisture in the dirt, analyse the imprint of the hoof, estimate the traffic and direction, then pick my blind.
I just haven't found my Trophy Cam to give me the same fuzzy warm feeling or even be that accurate for localizing game ... most of the trail cam pics I see are of deer munching on a corn pile ... not my style.
But, I've got some great pics on my Trail Cam I'd not have seen otherwise.