Ah well, since I KNOW you all will allow me to be a bit.....off the wall, I will add two cents.
Yep.....super duper sharp is IDEAL and we should do our best, as we do in all we do, to get them so.
How-some-ever.....let me back up to basics.
Some heads, I can get "scary" sharp, some I cant but they both penetrate and fly great. I KNOW they will, and HAVE killed deer with both (and others)...and see little to NO difference. It's ODD for me to have a deer go more than 50-60 yards and has been that way some 35? OMG...40!!....years.
I've shot deer with em both (and a multitude of others)and a couple things seem to be consistant, yet are so obviously OBVIOUS that we tend to over think things (or is it that just ME??)and worry about technicalities a bit too much.
From ye olde trad archers of decades past carrying file sharpened heads for days and days in a back quiver rattling around to the (arghhh) NOT SO FREAKIN SHARP mechanical heads of today........they all have dispatched deer in "good form".........IF they are put in the boiler room.( and LOTS that WEREN'T)
Putting a "leak" in the cardio-vascular system of ANY creature causes fairly rapid exsanguination......it bleeds to death for us of a more limited vocabulary (I had to look that up!!)
So, not to get myself beheaded here.....please allow me to simply return to the SINGLE most important factor........arrow placement.
Should the errant drug crazed neighborhood nut case jump in and stab one in the chest with a handy steak knife, little doubt is given to the thought of what may happen if you don't get your keister to the hospital....NOW! And that would only be a "one lunger". lol
A poor comparison, sorry, but give thought to what your chances would be with TWO punctured lungs......not very good.
There are some C R A Z Y old collectable broadheads out there that somewhere along the line SOMEONE shot deer with........for promoting them. It's tough for us to argue with ......"hey, it killed this one just dandy" ads, yet few of us would venture forth with them on the end of OUR arrows, not these days.
Imagine sharpening a Browning Serpentine or a Mohawk! Pfffffffffffft!
I attempt not to "downgrade" the importance of a head as sharp as you can get it but......there is a point to where it can be a negative MENTAL thing effecting the hunter's confidence.
Hopefully, I haven't put anyone to sleep yet. Let me give an example.
I have a buddy, a danged GOOD hunter, life long trad shooter of 60-70s Bear bows that, year in and year out, sits for hours on end sharpening heads, never happy with the results.
We've gotten about all the "gizmos" to help him we could find.....he's never happy "IT'S NOT RAZOR SHARP"!! he cries
THIS bothers him SO MUCH that he starts having negative thoughts of the effectiveness of his set up EVEN THOUGH he has successfully taken dozens of deer, some real wall hangers too.
I repeatedly see him "pass" on shots I would take in a heartbeat.....he has no faith in his set up...and it IS a NEGATIVE thing with NEGATIVE results. No one wants that. (he IS a bit anal though lol, God Bless him.)
This negativity......eats at one and places doubts where none should be and DOES effect the hunter's affectability......at least IMHO.
Archery, to me and some will agree, is hugely a "mental" thing and in a short phrase let me tell you my entire philosophy.....
BELIEVING in your set up and your ability with it is the single biggest, baddest, most mandatory, gotta have or I'm not going, attitude!
We all gain that in similar but varying ways.
Bow poundage
Arrow weight
Broadhead type
Arrow flight
Broadhead sharpness
.........and practice, practice, practice.
Some of those link together.
A poundage we can shoot WELL (not only the weight adequate for the game...like some choose).
Arrow weight...without opening that pandora's box, lets agree we pick the one we have FAITH IN.
Broadhead type......preaching to the choir here on this one. A good solid head we like is enough to say.
Arrow flight and being able to "put er there" (with the bow weight allowing so)are the ONLY two mandatory IMO.(with legal bow weights incorporated, of course)
Yep, having ALL OF EM is "more better" but with a bow weight I can shoot well, a sturdy well flying arrow, and solid head, I am here to tell you that any game walking the US is in dire need of hiding.
Notice.......sharpness was omitted in my vast description.
A sharper head will out penetrate a duller one....but how much?
A sharper head will be an advantage on a "poor shot". Ive no arguement there but WONDER if a LARGER head (one's like I like) isn't somewhat of an alternative that is also effective, AS LONG AS adequate energy is there to push em.
For those that think not.....one only needs to look at the HUGE dang heads wheelie shooters shoot and the effects of some of the shots. I dont LIKE em, but have butchered too many and helped too many drag em out to say "they dont work".
Regardless.....a poor shot is a poor shot. Even a 460 Weatherby cant "fix" that.
Before you lynch me, please do not think that I am advocating "dull" heads. I am not in any way.
What I hope to portray is that this single factor (that being one of RAZOR sharpness) ISNT needed to make you a good, if not great bowhunter.
Go for it. Do your best. Get the best edge you can get without having hemorrages over it,(yes, that is a play on words, :D ) and go hunting.
I've shot more deer than I wish to share, through, THROUGH the scapula. The head was DULL DULL DULL after going through, yet NONE of them made it more than 60 yards.
I m mm mmm missed a buck once and as I went to pull the arrow out of the dirt and clean it off, a doe trotted up. Zip! 40 yards, brown and down with a double lung shot.
The first years of my uneducated bowhunting had me out amongst em zinging deer with factory "sharpened" heads. Amazing what one can do when too ignorant to know it's "impossible".
So let me end this chapter of my opinions with a simple statement.
Our set up is capable of more than we are. Do your best, but "perfect" is a "will-o'-the-wisp" factor that will stay a pace or two ahead of us all our lives........and is not mandatory, yet shooting for it is commendable.
Don't allow "less than perfect" to put a leak in your confidence level.
A "reasonably" sharp, well made head with adequate "push" will dispatch EVERY living creature without a hitch.
As always, NO offense to those that put a lot of their faith in a razor sharp head. Obviously that is a "good thing" but for me.......eh, again
"it ain't broke......so no need to "fix" it"
You cant poke a 1 1/8 (or larger) inch "hole" in both an animals lungs and not have it die......quickly and a Poor Shot.....is still a poor shot, and results dont vary much regardless of what leads the way.
Somewhere along the way, a couple decades ago, someone convinced someone else that this wasnt accurate and "behold" the "razor sharp" (not) replacable blade heads came to be.
I've HAD bowhunters tell me "I shot him right behind the shoulder, broadside and he didnt die"......balderdash.
I can wager that MOST of you shoot sharper heads than mine. I file sharpen them and know they will go where I look and know they will penetrate...and work quickly. Blood trails?....the majority are followed at a walk but it's rare for me to not see them go down unless heavy cover is close.
Get your confidence where you will. A super sharp head is one way to boost it, yet I am here to tell you that MANDATORY...it flat aint, and FOR ME....it's a ways down the list of "gotta haves".
JUST my two cents gained these past decades......food for thought......or not.
ok, lynch away! *grin*
God Bless