I've been visiting this site for advice and entertainment a lot over the past two years or so, and finally figured that it was time to join. This place is addicting!
You all seem like very gracious and sincere individuals, the kind of folks that I like to hang around with.
I've been hunting and bowhunting most of my 49 years. Started traditional, went back and forth to compound for a while, now back to strictly traditional for the last 12 years or so. I have a supportive wife, and an 8 year old son who is crazy about hunting and archery. I'm still working on my 10 year old daughter. Grew up and still hunt in IL, currently live in MN.
Thanks for all the advice that I was able to gather from you folks, and for making this a great site for a traditional bowhunter. I'll eventually figure this out and get an avatar up there soon, too.
All the best to you.
Tom Dvorak.
BTW 1987 Brackenbury Drifter 62" 60# @ 28" (made by Jim himself)