Just finished shooting in the shop and cleaning up when I looked at this photo. Second year in business when this occurred, 1996.
The bowhunter on the right is Dick Guess. He was my 10th grade Biology teacher(1968), NYB Instructor and was instrumental in making me a Certified NY Bowhunter Ed Instructor.
Second day of Rifle season here in NY, Dick called and said he was tired of the trespassers and gun shots and wanted to bowhunt an area that was Archery Only. I told him he was in luck...I was heading out Thursday to a State Park, Archery only and he was welcome to join me.
We arrived at 6:30am...I told Dick he was more than welcome to hunt my 2 ground blinds or anywhere in the area I had scouted. As we left the road and headed in...no more than 30 yds...a giant buck raced across chasing 4 does! They never stopped and headed up the steep, rocky area.
As we worked our way to my 2 "ambush locations", buck sign was everywhere....scrapes, rubs were abundant and Dick wanted to hunt this one valley just south of where the big buck was chasing. I had to convince him, NO....lets keep going until we reach my area. HE FOUGHT ME ALL THE WAY.
Finally, we reached my hunting area. A large rim where the deer had to travel around this side, rocky ledge and head down into this thick bowl of Mtn Laurel. I told Dick to ease into and between the 3 large rocks that protruded. I told him, sit tight, keep your eyes facing east and DON'T MOVE.
This conversation of him moving back 3 valleys towards our truck came up again...he couldn't believe the sign we saw. I finally told him..."Look...sit here until 10am...then we'll still hunt the surrounding area. If you want to head back to any of the valleys...you can sit there until dark."
I got him settled and moved on to my second "natural blind" roughly 300 yds away. I saw 3 does with no shot opportunity so 10am...headed towards Dick. As I approached, I seen him walking back up the hill, out of the bowl towards my blind. I crow called him, waved my pink feathers and he waved me over.
As I reached him he was "all shook up"...a very religious man...he blurted out..."I just arrowed the biggest GD deer of my life.". I looked at his side quiver and all arrows were there. I laughed and said OK...lets eat and move on. He then grabbed me and said..."I'm not BS'ing Joey"...."He's right down there...".
We walked down and there lay this beautiful buck. Wide and heavy rack...NOT THE SAME DEER WE SAW WHEN WE LEFT THE TRUCK!!!. Dick told the tale..."you left me at 7:45 and this guy came walking by around 8:20...passed me at 15 yds...stopped, looked around and kept walking. Arrowed him quartering away." The shot distance was roughly 12-15 yds.
His 52# Wes Wallace bow sent the XX75 clean through and the deer jumped twice, looked around, walked to the bottom of the bowl and dropped over. I was so happy for him I gave him a big hug, back slapped him and then broke the news...we have a 1 mile walk out over ledges, rocks and Mtn laurel.
Two and a half hours later we reached my truck with his trophy. Two tired and sore bowhunters. Dick never forgets to thank me every time he see's me and I never forget to tell him, he was in my best spot! I was using my Jack Kempf Little Grizzly Flat bow, Dick a Wes Wallace T/D....