All bows have hand shock. It's just the nature of the beast. Until someone designs a bow that's 100% efficient, there'll be hand shock. It's energy left over in the limbs at the end of the shot. It has to go somewhere. It's dissipated through limb and string vibration, and some of the energy is transferred to the riser, and thus the bow arm as hand shock. The heavier the riser, the more of the excess energy it absorbs, and the more it reduces hand shock. Because most longbows have relatively small risers, they tend to transmit more excess energy to the shooter. Limb design is also a factor in hand shock. Of course, individual sensitivity to hand shock also varies greatly.
Regardless, I've shot Contenders and Chief elites, and they're as mild re hand shock as any moderate r/d bow out there. They're very pleasant bows to shoot, IMO. A Contender is on my "to get" list.