Flyboy, I've been back and forth between recurves and longbows for fifty years, now, and have only ( in the last three years ) settled in with the longbow - straight limbed, straight grip and wooden arrows. The one adjustment that always bothered me was the grip and just as has been outlined here, the longbow ( at least with the straight grip ) requires first and foremost a bent bow arm. When you use the the main portion of you hand, or palmswell to hold the bow, your forearm will be in line with the string. When it releases it hits the spot you have described on your wrist which not only can hurt but will create a noticeable noise while the arrow heads to the target. The noise is what prompted me to move my bow hand around slightly so that the base of the thumb takes the pressure and, "viola" no slap, noise or hurt. As mentioned already, it does take getting used to like everything else with this style bow, but once attained, all you hear is a low "thump" when the arrows is released.