Three kids shooting since three years old. Never worry about going too light! Just make sure you set them up with arrows to match. Form is everything when starting out, so if its even slightly heavy, a 5 year old is not going to learn form well. I taught my kids in steps. Step 1- turn sideways to your target. Step 2- lay your bow flat to nock the arrow. Step three- point your bow at the target, step 4 pull back to your anchor, step 5 -lift your elbow, step 6 -pick your spot, step 7-count to three, step 8- release when on the spot, step 9- only drop the bow and elbow AFTER your arrow hits the target. My kids have done very well, and have some trophies to brag about. My daughter is now 16 and couldn't be bothered. My two boys, 14 and 8 are still 100%. Spend as much time as you can shooting with them. Best time of my entire life!