Nice job Mike, waste not want not my grandma always used to say. :D
Actually, my favorite bow to shoot at the moment was made from an ugly, nasty, twisty, knotty Osage stave that I was absolutely certain that I could not sell. It was just daring me to make a bow out of it, so I set out on a mission to do just that.
I figured that if I could make a good shootable bow out of this stave, all the rest would be a piece of cake.
Now some 500 shots or so later, it's an absolute joy to shoot. It hits right where I'm looking and very accurate. It's only 40# @28" but a pleasure to shoot. I've even been offered money for it, but I can't bear to turn loose of it.
Sometimes when we take a chance on the unexpected, the wood just has a way of suprizing us. Great job man, I really like the camo job!