LongStykes and shifting shadow, I'm not selling this one, but the ones I make from that form I call midsized lognbows for now, (until I come up with a different name,) and they sell for (once tax is applied) $194 and some change.
The thing a lot of people don't know about me is even though I bould bows and lots of them. I haven't been able to hold on to any I've made for myself. It's actually funny that a bowyer doesn't have a bow to hunt with. Lots of customers get a big laugh when they ask how the hunting season is and I tell them I don't have a bow to hunt with. I let them know I did have one but somebody liked it and talked me into selling it to them. I see the humor in it as well.
This one, I'm sure, if anyone was to actually hold it they wouldn't want it. Who knows maybe I'll get a chance to hunt again this fall.