Young Jefferson13 and I went to the shoot at Millersburg today.
I wasn't sure I'd make it there in time to shoot since I wasn't heading that way until after church.
I had planned on getting out of church on time but a lady came forward and wanted to be baptized into Christ and I wasn't about to miss that.
Anyway I managed to get there about 4 minutes passed the deadline but they let me sign up.
I went to side B 1st thinking I might catch up to Jeff who had gotten there way earlier than me.
I hooked up with a nice bunch of folks to shoot through with me being the only traditional shooter in the bunch.
By the time were finished our round everyone of them was asking if they could shoot my Cheetah.
I told them they could but they'd have to shoot it without me as I still needed to complete side A.
Jeff caught up to me by then(without his Robin Hood hat on) so I asked him to come along and be my scorer. We really had to rush in order to get the card turned in by 3pm.
Not having anyone shooting this side allowed me to get through pretty quickly since we could cut through to the next station without worrying about other shooters.
I got my card turned in about 5 til 3. I think I had a score of 307. The most impressive thing to me was I didn't have a miss all day.
Side 2(A) was better than side 1(B) I think because by then I had gotten warmed up. (Only one 5 and the rest were 8,10 and 12's.)
I was surprised when they tallied up all the cards and I had won the traditional division. (Hoot, Hoot!)
I felt good to get out with folks and fling arrows somewhere away from the house for a change.
I hope you'll forgive me if this comes off as a little braggadocios.
I was a little prideful at my shooting today but the best part is there's a group of compound shooters that are making palns to come over and leave their compounds at home so we can do a little shooting traditional style.
God bless,Mudd
PS: The entry fee ended up buying me a nice T-shirt that says "I won at the Owl Creek Archery Club, Millersburg, Missouri.