Depends on how much you want to spend. If your budget allows it, try a bow from one of our many sponsors here and order a custom. If you want to go the VERY inexpensive route and still get a fine bow, then look online for an older recurve bow such as: Bear, Shakespeare, Darton, Proline, Browning, Wing, etc. in the 30 to 35 pound draw weight at 28 inches. This should be just about right for a 19" to 24" draw length. As the child grows, so too does his draw length and increased draw weight so he/she can shoot such a bow for several years to come. That's exactly what I have done for all three of my kids. They all have bows that are 34# or 35# at 28": one Browning, one Darton, and one Proline each for $115.00 down to $85.00. Also, I like to keep the AMO length at 58" or less.