I come from a compound b/g, too, after I started with a stickbow as a kid. Now I'm back to trad. Yes, a lower brace ht, increases powerstroke/speed all things being equal, but also makes the arrow hang longer on the string, which is less forgiving - that's one reason you shoot better with the forward handled + higher braced PSA/TF. They may be a tad slower, but in the trad world, at average or lower draw wts, it's more about mass in the tip of the arrow (MOMENTUM upon impact of bone - as opposed to speed) for better penetration. Trad bows are simply limited to an almost-linear draw-force curve (line), unlike the compound's mountain-plateau d/f curve. The difference in speed b/t the forward vs reflexed handle or b/t the low/high brace isn't as significant as is accuracy and heavy arrow for taking down game. I've learned the hard way here that accuracy trumps speed. Please use what you shoot best, the animal will experience the difference. There are lower braced, forward handles, however, and these may just be what you're looking for. Maybe some others of the Gang will offer some models they've shot...Come on guys... we need some more input.