I hope this doesn't come off like a sales pitch for Tall Tines as that's not my intention. Every bowhunter eventually/hopefully finds that special bow and there are a lot of good ones to be had. I'm just excited about finding one that fits ME extremely well and wanted to share the good news. That's what we do on TG, don't we? HA!
I probably have too may bows as is (Just ask my wife), most are well-built, and some down-right fascinating to just prop up and look at, however only a few seem to really fit me or are what I would call great shooters. My new Tall Tine recurve falls into the latter category and is actually now at the top of the list.
Hands down, it's been the easiest and fastest bow to setup ever (FOR ME). It's forgiving, very stable in the hand, quiet, and shoots where I look. I just have to remember to look at the right spot:^)
In the beginning I was a bit disappointed. When I initially strung the bow and launched my first arrow it sounded off with a loud TWANG. OUCH! A few twists of the string later, plus the addition of only 2 small Catwhiskers, and the bow was shooting quieter that any of my other recurves . . . and launching my 580 grain arrows with authority. Can't get over the grip either, no searching for that sweet spot; my hand just goes "there" every single time.
Before yesterday I had only shot the bow in my basement, but the weather finally warmed up allowing some extended outdoor testing. This not only confirmed what I had experienced shooting indoors, but enhanced things when I saw the arrows in flight over longer distances. Nothing but a tight circular rotation of three fletchings from bow to target, and with the lowest "thump" on release. Oh, did I mention the the bow is also easy on the eyes? How lucky can you get.
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