Tell me what you think: Ive been using a 175gr field point past few days, and although my arrows are hitting right where Im looking, there is some slight hula hoopin Im seeing when Im out past 20 yards....definitely at 30+. For the heck of it, I screwed on a 200 and then a 250 gr point.....still nailin' the with NO wobble....straigh as an, well you know! The 250 seemed even better than the 200. So I want to know, was I too light before even with 175 point plus 11 gr insert? I will say, I was at less than 10 gpp with that mix. With the 250 gr point and insert Im at 11! This bow is an ACS, 52# at my draw (28). Im shooting a 29.5" GT 5575. Does this set up with the 250gr point making a 571 gr arrow sound like a reasonable set up? And if it is, should I expect to get the same flight for the most part with my broadhead set up of the same weight?