I saw a picture of a catapult target launcher for aerial target shooting online, and told myself I could build one of those.
So I stayed a little late after work last night, got into my wood pile and made maple legs, an oak throwing arm, steel spreader arms, and stainless steel springs, then I moulded a piece of Lexan plexiglass over a 1 3/4" thick piece of oak to accept my 2"aerial targets. After getting everything cut, I went home and started drilling and fastening the launcher together. I never got a chance to use it last night, but when I get home from work today, I'm going outside with my 2 sons and we are going to have a great time with this thing.
Best part is the whole catapult was put together in my head. I never used a drawing, just knowledge and experience and a ounce or two of luck as my guides.
I Just added the pics. I set it up in the front yard, and let the boys throw footballs at the targets. This is going to be a ton of fun for all of us. I have about 2 dozen flu flu's that, I believe, are going to get worn out.
The only problem is that the wind plays a major role in how the foam flies.
The whole thing took me about 3 hrs from start to finish, and after digging thru all my extra stuff I have saved from job to job, it cost me $8.77, and that included $5 for the dog chain corkscrew to hold it down to the ground and keep from bouncing all over the place.