Debbie Rash of Legends Bows ---- Just arrived home from another awesome Legends Bows 4th annual hunt. My husband, Mike and I arrived, at the Bows and Boars Ranch on Thursday, March 17th. It was almost sundown, so we took advantage of the little bit of light we had left, and did some scouting. We spotted a herd of Corsican Sheep, at the top, of the hill. As we watched them through the binoculars, I told Mike I wanted the one with the tan back and the white going down his legs. He stuck out, and I felt that beautiful Corsican calling my name.
The next morning, we headed out about 8am. We spotted the herd, not far from where they had been the previous day. We stalked them for maybe 30 mins., back and forth, across the canyon. We were finally able to put a tall Juniper bush between us and the herd. As we waited, we watched Corsican, after Corsican come out into the open. But I waited for the one I wanted, to emerge. When I first spotted him, my second choice Corsican came out beside him blocking my shot. I again waited, for them to trade sides. I decided it was now or never and let go of my arrow. It struck him in the shoulder blade and stuck. It stumbled, fell,got up and stumbled off to join the herd. I took one side of the hill, while Mike took the other. He was the one to get the opportunity to put the final arrow in him. He tumbled down the hill, breaking my arrow in half. As we pulled my arrow out, we noticed that my hit had bent the broadhead. Mike's arrow was not neccessary but it spared us some tracking time. Who says a 35lb. bow can't get the job done. Then the celebration started.