A few month ago I posted a thread about how my son Tucker and I watch Ron's videos on You tube, and how he has been an inspiration to Tucker and a definite driving force of motivation with his Trad shooting. Well Ron and I exchanged a few emails and he wanted to send something for Tucker's 10th birthday being he would be getting his hunting license when he turned 10.
Well Tucker got a package in the mail from Ron and inside was the most incredible gift a new hunter could ever get(made me jealous).It was a piece of coyote fur, but wrapped inside was one of Ron's personally used shrew knives with an autographed sheath.And to add to it was an autographed copy of Masters of the Barebow vol.1(now I was really jealous).
Tuckers was in such amazement that he looked at it wide eyed for like 2 minutes.Ron surely touched Tucker for the rest of his life.Every time Tucker goes afield he will carry Ron's legacy with him.Thank you for the inspiration and kindness you have given to Tucker.You are a true HERO and mentor.Tim