You will get 1.36 times as much light through the same set of 10x42 binos as you will through the 10x36 binos. That is definitely significant in low light conditions. If you want a smaller objective lens (which I generally do for most of my hunting), then go with a good 8x30 like the Swarovskis that Steve mentions, or the even better Leica 8x32 HD binos. The problem is cost! Those Leicas cost $1900 at the optics discount houses and the 8x30 SLC Swarovskis are relatively cheap at a still expensive $900. I have both, plus quite a few other premium binoculars of various sizes from 7x24 to 15x56, and I can say that unless you MUST HAVE the absolute best, the Swarovskis are the way to go in a premium binocular and the 8x30 is just about the perfect all around size. I have used my 8x30 SLC Swarovskis for the last 15 years for the majority of my hunts, and they do everything well. The Leicas are fairly comparable, but a little better, and they are smaller in overall size, making them superior in every respect -- EXCEPT PRICE. There are other good binos on the market for less money that the Swarovskis, but for significantly less money you will be buying significantly less quality, as Steve also said. Buy the best you can afford, and you will never regret it, especially when you get to the level of the Swarovskis. Remember, when you are hunting you will be looking through your binoculars far, far more than you will be shooting your bow. Also, if you book outfitted hunts, you will be spending quite a bit of money just to have the opportunity to see and shoot animals. Upgrading to high quality binoculars that you can look through for hours a day and clearly see animals and other objects is more important than upgrading just about any other equipment you will take on a hunt as far as making a real difference in your hunting success. A $900 price tag is big, but no bigger than what many of us spend on yet another custom bow that won't kill an animal any deader. Don't think I am discouraging anyone who already owns nice binoculars from spending money on custom bows.