Toxins in liver? The liver’s not really a filter, it does more to separate and redirect, and the toxins actually lodge in fatty tissue in the nervous system. So, eat the liver, leave the brain and spine behind. Cook liver less and at lower heat to avoid a rubbery texture and preserve more of the digestive enzymes and nutrients. Gram for gram, liver contains more nutrients than ANY other food. It’s the highest in Vitamin A, high on B’s, highly absorbable form of iron and lots more. Heart is huge on nutrients too… from selenium to phosphorus, from CoQ10 to collagens and elastins, a very dense source of protein, and on and on.
Why have we been taught to be squeamish about the stuff that’s best for us?
The organs of wild game are some of the healthiest foods you can put in your body, and hunter/gatherers go for the organs, bone marrow, etc of game first for a dang good reason. Ever hear of rabbit starvation? There are essential ‘good’ fats, vitamins and minerals in organs and such that aren’t in the lean muscle meat. The few that are present in lean muscle aren’t of the quality or quantities, or good ratios, like in organs. Same thing goes for fish. Fat, organs, eyes too. You can starve to death eating nothing but lean muscle protein.
I’ve eaten some organs and such, but I admit, there’s lots of stuff I haven’t tried yet, but I’ve been on a health kick lately and more open to healthy foods I’ve never tried, so I’m anxious to revisit more ‘obscure’ parts of my game this year.