awbowman, coming from low altitude, if you can, spend a night in denver, or somewhere in the 5-6,000 ft elevation range before you go up to 10,000. It will help you acclimate. a couple nights would be awesome, but all know how time constraints are. At 10,000, take it real easy the first couple days, and drink a ton of water.
Wilderness Athlete makes a supplement for helping adjust to the altitude to combat altitude sickness. Ive used it and it definietely helps.
If you go straight to 10k and start hitting it hard, you'll be puking and laid up in your tent.
For me, food is a huge deal. It has to have 100 calories per ounce minimum, or it doesnt go in my pack. Now I eat a very clean normal diet, almost Paleo, I dont eat anything with white flour, processed sugar,almost no bread, no dairy. I basically eat meats,fruits, veggies and nuts. I steer clear of anything that is highly processed. All of the commerically available freeze dried stuff has tons of chemicals and soy in it. Soy is poison. I will not eat anything with soy in it. Now, that said,I know for an extended trip where every ounce counts, I'll likely have to compromise on some stuff.
Im currently experimenting with homemade protein/energy bars, pemmican, and such. Breakfasts are easy- homemade granola,powdered milk(or dry) and s scoop of raisins and a scoop of protein powder. Lunch- larabars, pemmican, homemade bars, jerky, nuts or dried fruit.
Dinners will probably be where I compromise with MH meals, or backpacker pantry. Still working on some alternatives for some meals. I dont want to spend a lot of time (fuel) cooking after a long day hunting. The longer stuff has to cook, the more fuel we have to carry. Im open to ideas on dinners.