No one will argue that the new strings put more stress on the bow...
I won't argue it, but I will question it. I have yet to see any evidence of this, or a viable explanation as to why.
My thoughts are along these lines.
It's a known fact that HMPE strings greatly reduce hand shock, especially in bows that have noticeable hand shock.
What is hand shock? It's wasted energy resonating down the limbs to the riser and into the shooter's hand. If you have a string that reduces this wasted energy (evidently by imparting it into the arrow), how can that be "harder" on the bow? I may be looking at this all wrong, but it would seem to me that a string that increases hand shock would be increasing the wear and tear on the bow.
I've broken several bows over the years, and personally know folks that have broken bows. I don't know of even one where the failure could be contributed to the string--almost all of them had dacron strings on them to begin with.
The only damage I've seen done by a "Fast Flight" string was, as mentioned, a tiny (non-padded loop) string on an old bow that didn't have the string grooves cut at the proper angle, using the old (and very abrasive) "Fast Flight" material. I've seen this twice, in totally unrelated cases.
It seems that when a bow fails, if it has a "Fast Flight" string on it, the string automatically gets the blame. If it has a dacron string on it, something else gets the blame.
I can't say that it is safe to shoot a "Fast Flight" string on a "non-Fast Flight" bow, but I've yet to experience anything that says you can't do it safely, as long as the string is properly made.
I have to go on my own experiences, because on the w.w.w. I've seen everything from flemish strings being blamed for twisted limbs to warranties voided over using a dacron string, and pretty much everything in-between.
I'm still looking for answers to this one--solid answers. I am NOT a proponent of really tiny strings--IMO they aren't nearly as safe as a moderate strand count--so I've got no agenda here, other than just trying to learn more.
So......FWIW, in my opinion the jury is still out on this one.
Oh yeah...I don't recommend doing it--I much rather be safe than sorry. I am a big proponent of using HMPE materials on bows rated for it, for the many benefits it offers.