well, after almost a year of reoccurring chronic elbow pain, I sought out a sports medicine physician to get a 2nd opinion on my elbow problems.
Last summer, probably around june, I started having elbow pain consistent with tendonitis in my bow arm. It got to the point where every time I released the string, the pain in my elbow got worse, to the point it felt like my elbow was coming apart. Rest, ice, etc, exercises, showed little improvement. Went to see the ortho doc that did my shoulder surgery, he gave me a cortisone injection, and within a couple days pain was all but gone. This was late October.
Good to go the rest of archery season, then late November it flared p again while butchering deer, but settled down again in a week or so with rest and motrin.
This winter while building cabinets for my workshop, it began to flare up again. Not as bad, I guess on a 1-10 scale its about a 4-5. But it hurts to shoot. Over the past 10 months, my shooting is all but none. A couple arrows here and there. Not good for a trad archery junkie.
Went to see the doc, and he took xrays of shoulder and elbow. Nothing much there, ordered MRI and ultrasound therapy. He said being that its not my dominant arm( Im a lefty, r elbow hurts) its likely not tendonitis, but better chance there is a partial tear of one of the muscles facia or the tendon.
He asked if I wanted a crossbow prescription- to which he didnt much like my answer. I told him being seen with one of those would rate right up there with being seen naked with another man. No, I'll pass on that thank you.
So, Im hoping beyond hope that the PT helps. In the meantime, he said it needs rest( how much more does it need for cryin out loud). I have an elk hunt to prep for, and need to be shooting.
Im gonna continue to not touch my bow till Pt is done, and see what the MRI shows. Surgery would put an end to my hunt Im sure, and very well may end my trad shooting all together. Needless to say, Im pretty worried.
These white coats dont seem to undertand that trad archers have for the sport. I tried to explain it to him, but he didnt want to hear it.
It bugs me to no end that they can just tell you , well sometimes you just have to find something else to do. Really? Bowhunting and traditional archery isnt something I do, its what I am.
Worse case scenario if I absolutely HAVE to, I could hold my nose and hunt with wheels this year. But.......man thats a tough pill for me to even think about swallowing right now.