Hello guys and gals,
I went to the Sissipahaw Traditional Archers' shoot in Burlington, NC this past weekend. Never been before. What a mistake.
Now I'm really hooked. Those guys put on a very nice shoot. Here's the mistake...
I went just to shoot and have a good time. I figured there would be some things for sale there. Being a lefty I didn't think I'd see anything. WRONG!
I picked up a nice loooking short recurve. It wasn't strung. The owner wasn't around. He must've been out shooting.
I shot my round, came back to the table, and now it was strung!! There was a very nice young lady there, I'm guessing about 9 or 10 years old, who said it was her grandpa's bow. I was admiring it and she said, "Go ahead and shoot it if you want to." Being so kind and the perfect sales lady, I obliged.
I got my 3555 GTs and changed from 145s to 125s. I took it over to the 20 yard bale and shot. Not bad, but almost too short for me. Almost.
I retrieved my arrows and shot another six. This time I treid to focus more, emphasizing on draw and anchor, then release. Man what a shooter! I was stacking the arrows. Three were almost in the same hole and it was hitting where I was looking. A fellow also shooting a bow said, "You better buy that bow." I knew I was sunk. I tried to resist. I returned the bow to the table and thanked the young lady. I walked away.
About 10 minutes later the owner was walking with it towards his truck. I couldn't let it go.
I came home with it.
No regrets, but having my alternator go out -AGAIN- on my car that morning was not helping.
The big mistake was almost letting that bow go.
Now I need some help.
It's a Cochise Warrior 55 @ 28 but I can't find anything on this bow or the maker.
Can anyone fill me in on the history of this bowyer and if the maker is still in business? I just want a little background on what I have.
Thanks to Roger from Hickory, NC for selling me the bow. Now I'm scared to go to the bigger trad shoots. I'm afraid I'll go broke.
Here's the bow.