Well I decided to join the traditional archery world. I picked up a Martin x200 at a local store. I sure wish I had done some reading before I made the purchase because I think the salesman just wanted to make a sale.
I got a 50# draw, which it turns out is a bit much for me. I can draw it ok, but after a half dozen shots I start shaking.
Also, I was having trouble with my accuracy. After several shooting sessions, I just wasn't getting a decent group. After some research on this site, I discovered I am left eye dominant despite being right handed.
So I bought to heavy of a bow and the wrong hand. I guess I will put it up for sale on craigslist in hopes to get close to what I paid for so I can pick up a lighter bow in a LH model.
If there are any other newbies out there, please don't make these mistakes. Do some homework first. Get a bow you can comfortably draw, and make sure you know your dominant eye. Don't repeat my mistakes. They are costly ones.
Aside from that, I am happy to be a part of the traditional shooting community, shooting a stick bow is a BLAST and I can't wait to take my first deer once I get my mess sorted out.
Thanks for these forums, they seem like a great place for info.