Myself and a few friends that I KNOW know how to properly tune have vetted Stu's calculator extensively.'s the raw truth. There are only two ways that you will NOT get anything beyond what I would call a 90% tune result from the calculator.
1. Garbage in-garbage are not entering the info accurately....period.
2. You have a form/release that needs compensating for in the calc and you have not figured out what that is (under the "form factor" setting). Mine, for example, is -1.
The reality is that there are those among us unwilling to spend the time to really explore the physics our pursuit reqires....even from the layman's point of view. I cringe when I hear people tuning a bow to "hit where I look", etc., regardless of actual arrow flight. The goal is to get the bow/arrow system tuned for absolute harmony/synergy and THEN re-program the operating mechanism's computer (your brain) through repetition to be able to aim (yes, we all do aim) the system to impact the target as desired.
The nuts and bolts of bow tuning and arrow flight can not be treated with the same subjective romanticism that many of us assign the overall "trad" lifestyle if one expects consistent, truly tuned arrow flight.
As for the common mantra of "I shoot trad gear because of it's simplicity"....I can only say that we must have vastly different definitions of "simple". If less parts=simple, then maybe. But I find it damaging to one's argument who says that they use stick and string to hunt because it's so much more challenging in one breath, then say that the tuning of said equipment is "simple" and easily accomplished using some sort of combination of "feel" and anecdotal black magic in the next breath. I, for example, can tune a compound in an hour or less to superb hunting accuracy and arrow flight and rarely have to adjust a thing for a year or more. My recurve, however, is a completely different story. It's tuning has so many more variables that I can not see how it could be "simpler".
All of this is not to say in any way that there are not those out there that will be good shots or successful hunters doing it some other way, but I believe utilizing Stu's calc and other methods that have peeled the layers back to raw science will get most shooters closer to their full potential quicker. But hey, some just enjoy the journey....and that's OK, too.