Well, a couple more photo of the cookout, and then back to base camp with TG"er's Wudstik, skippy1 and his wife, Charlie) and Pat (missed place his handle). Plus Harry, Steve and Ron.
More young ones!! The kids seem to enjoy the cookout as much as we adults!
Bow and shooters, Al and Ed in back.
Now we head back to base camp with 3 more days of hard hunting. Wudstik was a trip, glad he showed up for the hunt!
Wudstik is on the left!! Harry on the right.
Skippy1 at the grill!! Food was just as good in base camp as at hope!!
Picture of the last group, Back row L to R, Wudstik, Harry, Steve....Front row L to R, Skippy1, me(longarrow), Ron...missing from the photo is Pat.
Thanks and we will do one post showing the end of the hunt, kills, and night life!!