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Author Topic: Habu Vs Black Widow  (Read 2041 times)

Offline Brock

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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #20 on: April 02, 2011, 08:20:00 PM »
Have shot BW MA II and MA III back in 90s....bought a second Habu recurve in 90s as well after not liking gray color of first and going for one similar in color to BW Autumn Oak.

I LOVE my Habu Chris built for me in '99...and glad it was recommended for me to try by Roger R. at a bear camp in Sask a while earlier.  Great bow, great quality, very forgiving, good cast and will plumb throw an arrow downrange.

The bows are very similar with not much difference I could tell in drawing bow and shooting but I know there are some bigger differences in design and tolerances as Chris is pretty anal about that stuff...or used to be.

They did feel different in hand but not sure what it was as both have substantial risers and mass.  I think the Habu might have been a little smoother nearing full draw....but thought they shot similar and both liked stiff heavy arrows.

I bought the Habu as I just liked it better after shooting for a while...it seemed like lighter draw weight but no way of proving it.

That being said....if you can find a nice Habu recurve from mid to late 90s....buy one!!!  If not then go with a Black Widow MA II/III used from same period....I think they are the best of both makers bows and while the newer models are nice...I think these represent the best of their past and current bows for looks, shootability, price and bang for the buck.

I cant justify nor offer a need for a Habu now with a 3 yr wait and the price Chris is requiring....a USED Habu or BW is the way I would go.  They show up every now and then...unless you want a newer model then the BW for sure because of wait and price.

keep em sharp,

ron herman
Keep em sharp,

Ron Herman
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Offline Swamp Yankee

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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #21 on: April 02, 2011, 08:41:00 PM »
With a 3 year wait you might have to explain the cost of a Habu to more than your current wife!
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Offline maxwell

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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #22 on: April 02, 2011, 08:52:00 PM »
I have had both and still have the Habu Hycurve- I like the Habu more, just fits me better and shoots as well or better than the widow. As far as craftsmanship the Habu is flawless amazing how well limbs fit from one bow to another, also his bow quiver is an excellent design. Just my opinion.

Offline TaterHill Archer

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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2011, 10:20:00 PM »
I have had 2 BWs and 4 or 5 Habus.  I sold an old Habu take down that I wish I had back.  smoothest bow I've ever shot.  Comparing the new Habus to the BWs, I'd say the main difference (other than limb design) is the Habu is "prettier". They just look good.  Will they outperform the BW.  Nope.

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Offline Andy Cooper

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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #24 on: April 02, 2011, 10:23:00 PM »
I second Sixby's recommendation to add the Talon into the mix. I have both a Vyperkahn and a Talon. Even though the Talon is 15# heavier, I shoot it better than I shoot the Habu. Another advantage with the Talon that you can't get with Habu, and that costs extra with the Widows, is that Steve will build the grip to fit your hand...which is, to me, a huge deal. If I don't like the way a bow feels in my bow hand, I don't shoot it, and it winds up getting listed for sale.
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Offline jonsimoneau

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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #25 on: July 08, 2011, 03:20:00 PM »
Some of these posts have surprised me a bit.  I have a 53lb. Habu recurve from the laters years of habu recurves...and a 57lb. Habu Vyperkhan with tripple carbon longbow limbs.  I just shot both of them side by side and I can tell you this.  The vyperkhan with longbow limbs is noticably smoother than the recurve!  It's higher poundage...and it's longbow limbs!.  Also...the Vyperkhan has less vibration after the shot...even though it is lighter in mass weight!  My favorite recurve is still the habu recurve...but the vyperkhan is even better.  Not only that...but I shoot both bows well.  But no matter how hard I try...I cannot shoot the recurve better than the vyperkhan.  Chris told me that this would be impossible...since the vyperkhan simply shoots better.  He said that if it did not shoot better...he would still be making the older recurve model.

Offline Warden609

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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #26 on: July 08, 2011, 04:29:00 PM »
I owned a Death Adder and a Viper Kahn. I really liked both of the bows but would say my favorite was the VK... The Widows I owned were great shooters but between the two (habu/widow) for me I would go with the Habu. Like to shoot one of those tripple carbon bows one day  :archer2:

Offline Bowwild

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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #27 on: July 08, 2011, 06:05:00 PM »
I'm comparing a Habu hycurve with triple carbon limbs these days to several bows including Widows. So far the Habu is top on my list to hunt this year. I'll know more in a couple days. To me the Habu is as different from my PSA, PCH, and PAX as my Silvertip and a Tall Tines.

I most love the Habu grip.

Offline Lee Robinson .

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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #28 on: July 08, 2011, 07:46:00 PM »
In the late 90's-and early 200X's I owned several Habu bows. Awesome in terms of accuracy. His longbows back then had handshock, but his recurves were completely dead in the hand, had good speed, and most importantly in terms of stability and accuracy they were as good as any bow I ever shot. The ONLY complaints I personally had with his recurves were for ME they were heavy in the hand (a lot of mass with a bowquiver and coming off HH bows and Sentman bows, I was used to bows that were very light in the hand)...and they were a bit noisy. They were not loud, but they weren't quiet. But back to shootability. In that area, again flawless. I tried one of his vyperkahns and I can't say it worked for me as well. For this reason I liked his old bow design better. The bottom line though is Chris, IMO, is one of the best bowyers in the world. I think the money he is getting for a bow is insane, bt with a 3 year waiting list it OBVIOUSLY doesn't matter what I think. People want his bows for a reason.

BW is certainly a fine bow too.
Until next time...good shooting,

Offline Danny Rowan

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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #29 on: July 08, 2011, 08:28:00 PM »
I owned as BW PCHX, LOUD! could not get it quiet, sold it. I now have a Habu recurve I bought from Chris's brother John. Have not shot it yet so cannot compare, but I will in a day or two.
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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #30 on: July 09, 2011, 10:19:00 AM »
We all have our own personal preferances and personal needs. I definately have my own and this comparison will continue.

One factual difference is that if you desire a bow shorter than 60", then the Black Widow would be the choice. Habu does not make a shorter bow.
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Offline Danny Rowan

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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #31 on: July 10, 2011, 06:38:00 PM »
Got my Habu recurve in the mail a couple of days ago and shot it today. For me, it is a great bow, much quieter than the pchx I had very smooth on the draw and hits where I look with authority. It will not be going anywhere anytime soon.
"When shooting instinctivly,it matters not which eye is dominant"

Jay Kidwell and Glenn St. Charles

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Offline Festivus

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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #32 on: July 11, 2011, 04:29:00 AM »
Is Habu a sponsor here?

They sure seem to be getting a lot of free press and advertisement over the years.

Offline Recurve Amigo

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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #33 on: June 03, 2015, 10:56:00 PM »
I can usually pick up a bow and shoot it. I have 4 widows, 2 recurves and 2 longbows. I can pick up any of those bows put a cant and shoot instinctively. Most bows I can do that but the carbon limb habu didn't shoot like that for me. It was very fast buy it's grip is not conducive to my shooting style. That day I shot all brands

Offline Recurve Amigo

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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #34 on: June 03, 2015, 10:57:00 PM »
I can usually pick up a bow and shoot it. I have 4 widows, 2 recurves and 2 longbows. I can pick up any of those bows put a cant and shoot instinctively. Most bows I can do that but the carbon limb habu didn't shoot like that for me. It was very fast buy it's grip is not conducive to my shooting style. That day I shot a lot of brands

Offline overbo

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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #35 on: June 04, 2015, 05:01:00 PM »
My Vyperkahn is now 6 years old. The last 5 of those 6 years, I've been shooting and hunting w/ other makers, Silvertip, Zipper, Tall Tines, and Stalker. Every so often I'll shoot that Habu and it still amazes me. IMO, It's an extremely well designed and built bow.

Offline Sixby

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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #36 on: June 06, 2015, 01:45:00 AM »
I had a ViperKahn here to skin. It had one of the most comfortable grips I have ever felt. Except for an EagleWing. LOL. sorry Just had to say that.
Seriously though the grip on the bow is simply great. Credit goes to whom it is due.

God bless, Steve

Offline pamike

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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #37 on: June 06, 2015, 09:15:00 PM »
there is really no comparison from BW to habu.  The BW is a good bow, but much more vibration and noise.  i have tried numerous BW and they are just not a habu vyperkahn.  The grip is incredible and the bow is so repeatable - i have had them all and all i can say it try one if you can find one!

I must also add that if you want something that compares to the vyperkahn (and one that you can get a lot faster) talk to steve about a talon.  excellent grips and great shooting bows - Talon!  i have an awesome talon and i cannot tell you how much i wish it was a little lighter in weight.  Love the bow but just can pull it any more.

HABU Vyperkahn
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Offline trasher

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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #38 on: June 08, 2015, 09:50:00 AM »
I would not interfere but have you ever thought about a Timber Ghost static recurve or hybrid longbow?
I've never shot a Habu but some Black Widows and yes there are quite good!
But if I would  prefer the Black Widow for hunting and looking around for something new
which gives you the smoothness drawing, consistency and quietness of the widow, I would choose
a "Thimberghost Bow" because he includes all positive features of the widow but he is much faster and quieter and ablolutly no handshock.
The timberghost static recurve is the quietest recurve i'v ever shot.
Also I think the design is outstanding and much better, but this is only my fact.

Check out the review     http://tradgang.com/noncgi/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=143641;p=2    
There are more reviws at Tradgang just search!
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Offline JohnV

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Re: Habu Vs Black Widow
« Reply #39 on: June 09, 2015, 12:06:00 PM »
"Is Habu a sponsor here? They sure seem to be getting a lot of free press and advertisement over the years."

Last time I checked Bear Archery was not a sponsor on this website either.  How much free press and advertisement have they received over the years?  Are we only permitted to talk about those products manufactured by sponsors of this website?
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