Some lessons we learn, know well, but still end up having to re-learn.
I knew Smoke, my most recent build, was a stiff pull for me at 41@28, but I'd shot a few shots in the yard and managed them OK, plus the chrono shots. I couldn't shoot my full course in the yard as we have a new lawn down and can't walk on it yet, or I'd probably not have made the decision I did. I took Smoke out to the range today. What a disaster! Worst round of shooting I've done in a couple of years.
So, I get home and decided I really, really needed to go back and check what the draw was on my favorite regular shooters. OK, Sweet Georgia Brown is 27@28 and Bamboozle is 31@28. (For those that don't know, I'm muscle impaired.) That's 15# and 11# difference! A ten pound jump is a lot at 45 to 55. Percentage wise, from the level I'm used to shooting to this bow, it's huge! I'm used to shooting a wide variety of bow weights for a few shots for test purposes, but a few shots and a full course are entirely different.
Now I'm sitting here really exhausted and with an aching shoulder. I can see where Georgia and Bamboozle will have to take care of my shooting at Moses Lake.
So guys, when someone tells you not to try to take too big a jump in poundage (which advice I've given many times!), believe them! Five pounds is more than enough to move up at a time, and shoot that for a goodly time and get really, really used to it before you try another notch.