I build and shoot the straight longbows I do because to me, tradition is duplicating the equipment of a previous age and seeing what you could do with it. The basic fiberglassed longbows of Hill, Armbruster, Quillian, etc. were the cat's pajama's back when I was young (and that phrase tells you when that was). Those are what I try to duplicate. There's nothing wrong with development, in fact, it's great, but I cringe every time I hear someone talk about "improving" a traditional design. You may have made it better and more people will like it, but you ruined it's traditional aspect. It is no longer an example of what was traditional. It kind of sort of maybe resembles what was traditional. I'm getting to be quite a pill about this as I get older, but I'm as tough on myself as I am on others. More and more, I'm finding it actually painful to put a shelf on a bow... they didn't have them when I learned. Friday I ordered a couple of tee shirts made. One says, "We don' need no stinking shelfses..." and the other, "Real men don't shoot off a shelf!" Should be good for some fun at the shoots :^)