A problem that often arises in these discussions is tunnel vision. There are a lot of different factors affecting whether or not a released arrow will result in a clean kill. Arrow weight, at best, is but one of them. If heavier always equaled better, we’d all be hunting with fiberglass fishing arrows weighing over 1,500 grains. Somehow I’d venture to say no one here goes to that extreme. So speed and trajectory are obviously somewhat of a priority.
It has always confused me somewhat the extent that folks will go to debate (discuss, argue, whatever) such minor variations of arrow weight, especially when it comes to hunting whitetail deer. If shooting 700- or 800-grain arrows gives one an increased level of confidence, then on an individual level it makes sense to use those arrows. But several generations of recreational bowhunting history are there for examination, modern attempts to rewrite it notwithstanding. And no, it doesn’t take a 650-grain arrow to kill a whitetail deer, or anything else on this continent for that matter. To me, this heavy versus light arrow debate falls into the category of things that matter more on paper than in the real world.