Wow had a blast today. Finally had 2 minutes to myself while visiting a friend in Mesa and stopped by the archery range at Usery Park. What a fantastic place. After warming up on the close targets I went for a walk on the course thru the desert. With quail, chipmunks/squirrels, and even a roadrunner the course was rather exciting. The flowers on the cactus' are starting to bloom with vibrant colors. Some of the ranges ventured out to 65-70 yards but I would walk up to the 30 yard line and shoot 1 or 2 times, move forward a bit, shoot again, until I reached the 10 yard area. Since this was only my 2nd time shooting my new Voodoostik, the bulls-eye was quite safe at 30 yards. As I got toward the end of the course most if not all 10 yard shots were decent and close to the center, 15-20 were respectable for a 2nd time, and even the 30 yard shots I was gaining confidence. Still a long way to go and form to work on but it sure felt good to get out and have some fun! Thanks again for the bow Charlie!