Met with the doc this morning, a sharp sports medicine elbow specialist. After a lengthy discussion, surgery on my bow arm elbow is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon.
Now I went in there expecting the worst, and hoping for better. The good news is its not as bad as I was originally led to believe by a different doc. He had be under the impression it was a major deal, reattching tendons etc. Not the case at all.
Small incision, clean up the tendon and a fewthings to improve blood flow to promote healing, 6-8 weeks and I should be good to go.
That meaning good togo for PT, and as llong as no pain, start shooting a lighter bow working back to my hunting weight.
He said I should haveno problems being good to go in plenty of time for my elk hunt, providing I dont over do it too soon. Thats not a problem.
So, after a year of elbow pain, eating motrin and not shooting my bow much,Im optimistic that I can be back in the lineup by mid to late summer.
I told the Dr, who's practice also involves most of the professional sports franchises, I dont play golf, I dont play ball. I fling arrows. Its not just what I do, its what I am. Im an archer.
And I want this problem fixed, so I can get back to being an archer, without worrying about pain every time I loose an arrow.
So Tuesday, hopefully, I can get on the path to make that happen.