Randy that's a nice set up, I just ordered a fly,Its 7 foot, I could see how I could add two tarps to it and have the same thing you have.
Thanks guys ,
These photos are great ,But it just makes me more anxious to get mine ,I think it should ship in another week.
Now that I see that others have 10 X 12's, I see I might have gotten by with one that size,But I probably will be clad I got the 12 X 14
And I just put in a bid For 10 acres to put underneath my new tent ! And it has a well and a outhouse On the property, I hope they accept it and it goes through.
I was surprised at how many deer trails there are on 10 acres. It has 80 Ac alongside of it And 40 acres to the back. But there was a tornado there last summer ,So it's gonna be a cleanup project for a little bit on one side of it. I may have to go into the campfire wood business !