I hang mine horizontally on pegs unstrung.
One thing I found amusing reading this is people don't seem to mind leaving a bow strung but several mention hanging them horizontal and used phrases like "evenly spaced", "face down", "face up" or "rotated monthly". I can't help wondering at the idea that leaving a bow strung is okay but if you unstring it and rest it on pegs you need to keep it even for some reason or face down or face up makes a difference. Heck, if being strung don't hurt anything, you should be able to just lean them in the corner and forget about them.
I personally still believe all bows should be unstrung for storage and prefer them horizontal on pegs. I can not comprehend leaving a bow that costs hundreds of dollars or maybe over a grand strung just out of laziness or a belief that you might harm it by stringing or unstringing it. If that's the case, ya need to put a little effort into learning how to do it properly just like you should try to learn to shoot it properly.