i finally did it!! i connected on a big tom!!
the story- i was coming in from work and have been seeing turkeys out in the pasture on some neighboring land for about a month now...well they never would come over on our side but yesterday i noticed them crossing and going into some pines on our place. so i got home grabbed my leafy suit along with my gear and headed out. when i almost got out the door my 8 months pregnant wife yelled" you better not miss your sons game!". so of course i answered " i'll be there sweetie:) ". then i raced to the gate, lugging all my gear. got to within 200 yards of where i saw them last...and...nothing. so i went into the pines and dropped down in a steep terrace( great blind). i called one time and then i heard him! called again and he responded and showed himself. i eased my bow up and he saw me!! he turned to run and i release. the arrow entered perfect and he only made it 10yards! the magnus II and hoyt dorado did its job great and the Lord blessed me with a wonderful trophy!
btw- i made it to the game on the dot:)