There was about 20 minutes of shooting time left, before my hunt would come to an end. I was sitting in my stand with a slight breeze coming over my right shoulder. I had a few hogs come in earlier, but they were extra wary, they would sneak in and take a few pieces of corn then run back to the timber. It was like they would look past me, into the timber on my left side,there was something there that they did not like. After a while ,they would retreat back on the trail they came in on. I knew the light would be fading fast and my hunt would be coming to an end. It was then I heard something comeing in from my left side and behind me. It seemed like an hour before I saw this pig.I was able to stand and draw and just before I dropped the string,on my Dryad Orion, I felt that breeze hit my right shoulder. As my arrow left , the hog dropped his left shoulder to make a hard left turn. My arrow caught him in the middle of the rib cage.As he was running away, I saw the fletching sticking out of his right side and the broadhead out the left. I seen his back legs seem to give out on him before he hit the timber. I heard him running, growling and then a crash. I heard more grunting and then him running again, and then another crash. After that all went quiet.By the time I settled down, and climbed down from my stand, it was just about dark. It was about 15 yards to where I hit the pig, I could not find a blood trail. I went to where he entered the timber, and still nothing to follow. By now it was totaly dark. I knew the general direction he ran and about where I heard the last crash. I went the way I thought he ran,looking for a sign.Nothing,by now I was about 50 yards into the timber,not knowing if the pig was gone,just laying there waiting , or dead. I went about another 10 yards and then my flash light passes over what looked like a hog laying on its side. I watched the hog for awhile and did not see any sign of breathing. I finally got up enough courage to get up to the pig,thankfully he was done.I rolled him over and there was my fletching sticking out from behind his rib cage.There was about half of my shaft left but no 2 Blade Stinger.

Going to try a Euro mount .