I agree that if you're current draw length allows for a solid, consistent anchor then don't change that.
Most "bow shops" these days seem to deal primarily with compounds and don't know damn near anything about traditional archery. That's not to say there aren't good trad shops out there like Lancaster, but they are few and far between. I went to my local "pro shop" recently to see what stickbows they had. Told them I was looking for something around 40# and both the guys working there looked at me like I was nuts and said oh no, you want to go heavier than that. At least 50, maybe 55. In know my limitations on draw weight. I just yessed them since arguing with wheel guys over draw weight seems futile in my opinion. I left after a bit and asked myself, "why the hell did you go in there? You knew that was going to happen." Needless to say I won't go back there.