Don, I would have been honored to take some pictures for you when I got to see that beautiful bow, Sunday, at your house, after the First Annual Croatan Dogwood Blossom Stump Shoot. Never thought about it though, I wish you had asked me. That red and black will just knock a bow lover's eyes out (up close and personal) I'm here to tell (anyone who'll listen). Shoots great too - Ruddy put a couple right in there with it, and then I was able to draw it back good enough to get a couple off (at 55# it's a tad heavy for me), the first was almost in there, the second I was able to draw a little closer to my length but then I wavered a little just before release and it went a little lower and left. However I can say that it was sweet drawing and quiet in the hand upon release. Also I would have been well pleased with either shot on most any game animal (or target) except the smallest(squirrels, etc.).
Then Don took it and put 3 easy shots one on top of the other (one was a bare shaft), right where he wanted them (dog gone smart aleck). I told him he was gonna cut some feathers loose with that rig.
Don Batten Signature (in deed) Anneewakee Addiction Recurve. I love the thumb rest on it. It is ten times more comfortable than one would possibly imagine by just looking at it. I really wish I had one on my Addiction, I think - LOL
Lee Hoots and John Dill, with Don Batten's input, have come up with a real innovative winner once again IMHO. (That H is for humble when I use it, as well as honest)