A waist belt COULD spell disaster in a fall,
What happens at the time you need it is that it slides upward to your armpit area and chokes off your air supply.
Change your setup to include a harness that goes under your legs, around your waist, and attaches to the tree behind your shoulder blades.
Much safer. Again, even with that system you are going to undergo severe stresses on your body that could cause you to pass out after only a few minutes.
Your goal is to be able to climb back onto your stand, or get to your climbing system and get down before that happens. Set your connection to the tree as high as you can reach, and tether it so that when you sit down you can lean against the strap - that means when you fall you fall at the level of your stand rather than falling 2,3 or more feet below it. It also means you can lean against it while sitting, taking strain off your back and legs while waiting for your quarry to come by.