You guys have nothing more than my utmost respect; I have been an admin on a discussion board site before and let me tell you it's no easy task, especially when the banhammer starts falling. It takes a lot of time and effort behind the scenes to keep a site running right and I have seen guys take pot-shots at us (back then but people don't change much) under the supposition of "sticking it to the man" and "that's not fair" and even "this is a violation of free speech". Don't let them drag you down, being a member and posting to a site is a lot like driving a car, it's not a right it's a privilege and as such can be taken away, just ask anyone who has gotten a DUI.
Whatever you guys decide to do is up to you, I will support you 100% (funny how that respect thing works, eh?
) but if you bring back the 100 post rule I think it would be in the best interest of the gang, it goes a long way in keeping the dirtbag scammers out. I can't tell you how happy I was when I stumbled across this site, finally a place on the 'net where there were honest people with integrity much like the people I would meet and know when I used to spend the summers with my grandparents in Northern Alabama, it was like a breath of fresh air.
Sorry about the wall of text - you guys have my support in whatever you do, it's your site and decision. Just don't let the haters drag you down, because as the picture shows, it's all they do
If there's anything I can do to help you guys out just holler