Jonathon (Snakebit) -- If you want to try out a Shrew and happen to be coming from Kansas down to Oklahoma City sometime, let me know and you can try one (or several) of mine while you are here. I have no trouble going back and forth between Shrews and my many recurves (including a Blacktail "Snakebit"), so I expect the Shrew grip would work well for you. With an 18 month waiting list on orders, there are no Shrews around for anyone to "Test Drive". Best to find someone who is close by and willing to let you shoot theirs. Like Ron said, I own quite a few Shrews and have shot quite a few others. They are all wonderful. I have never sold a Shrew, with one exception. When a fellow TradGanger (David Janssen) was forced to sell his almost new Classic Hunter to get money to pay for a broken furnace, I bought it, and when he later wanted to know if he could get it back from me, I could not refuse. That was a very special bow that David had ordered, waited a long time to get, and agonized over, so it had to go back home. I know he is very happy to be able to shoot it again, and I am happy for him.
Don -- There will eventually be a Shrew out there for you. I have several Classic Hunters, several Lil' Favorites, a Shrew Lite and a Super Shrew. I tend to like the short riser Shrews the best because they are so short, light and handy. My Super Shrew is 60" 68#@29.5" and is the bow I will be taking with me the first two weeks in June to Australia to hunt Asiatic buffalo. I just shot it and my most recent Classic Hunter again tonight. Great bows! You are undoubtedly a better shot than I am, but I shoot my Shrews pretty well. If I were you, I would get on the waiting list now. Actually, I currently am on the list and have another bow set to be built that I ordered in the fall of 2009. I am not selling my Shrews, but at some point in time my widow will be. I'm still a "Shrew Pig", Ron!
Ken -- Good idea to jump all over that Classic Hunter on the rare occasion that Ron has one in stock.
It is a nice one that is only available because it is left handed.