Kenny, I keep meaning to tell you. At ATAR I saw the Amish Bowyer's son come out to the Kids Range, and he was just standing and watching, though he had his gear with him. So I called to him and said that he was welcome to join in. He turned and smiled and started to look around. I told him to just tell Sandy (Thorn) he wanted to and told him she was the lady in the such and such colored blouse. His smile fell so noticibly, I figured it was bashfullness so I called to Sandy, and as soon as I let her know he wanted in, she imediatly got him going - Sandy is good at that.
I tell that, to relate the following: The next day I was walking by, a way's out from the boy and his Father's vendor table, on my way to meet someone, when I heard someone call out, "Good Morning, Mr. Dunn." I looked around, while automatically returning the greeting, not really sure where it came from. I saw both of them smiling but returning their gazes back to their laps, apparently working on something, or reading. I meant to tell you, so you could tell them, for me, how much that meant to me - I knew it had to be in thanks for getting him started at the kid's range (where he had a ball from what little I saw), and that he must have told his dad about it. I'm not sure which of them called out to me but what a nice feeling it was for me.