We are also receiving a lot of SPAM lately. Certain vendors are determined to get a 'free ride' by using this site to promote there goods.
When we see a company posted about 'in passing' there is no problem. Trad Gang is about the free flow of information.
However, when we see the same company having multiple threads, and some of the threads are started by the same 'new' member, and a pattern appears, those threads will be deleted. They will also get deleted when these type threads continue to get TTT'd for no real reason and run for weeks by just a handful of folks as a jaw jaw session just to keep the vendors thread at the top for more promotion.
Also, lots of these type spammers folks that sign up as '3rd party' praises ....usually nothing wrong with that, but there are those that sign up and RUN and start multiple threads on the same company.
Also, there are folks that guise their selling in many ways soon as they get here....they do it in the name of 'helping trad archery', but then we start to see a 2nd, 3rd and 4th thread by them showing only their goods...and they just got here last week. Then once their threads are pulled thy go crying about 'how they were treated'....and how sorry the administrators are. All the while they didn't even consider how they were treating the Sponsor's of the site that help us all keep what we have. Not to mention the total misconceptions, assumptions and name calling these folks do.
Once they are 'found out' and email politely, they get all defensive and 'think they know all about the site, the money, the sponsors, threats and ya'da ya'da ya'da. Yeah, they say its 'all about the money'. Oh, what little they know. When you read what they right, its all about 'them' in reality.
It aint about the money, never was, and it wasn't about them either, or you, or you, or even you over there....its about Trad Bowhunting and US.
And after this weekend's barrage of emails...I realize there are WAY more of you that get it than don't.
I'm here for those that get it....you are the soul reason I started the site.