Today I was showing a young man how to shoot my son's #25 longbow from about five yards. I had my bow with me as well.
In my crazed excitement of showing this young man how to shoot, I left my bow on the top of the target. At the exact same time the boy released the arrow I saw my bow.
Well he missed the target and hit my bow's lower limb. I have a Leon Stewart 3 pc TD longbow. The tip hit the lower bow limb close to where the limb extends past the riser. It cut a little hole in the fiberglass. I can see some of the glass fibers. This is in the area of the riser but just. It appears not to be the working part of the limb but is very close.
Needless to say, I am sick.
Has anyone seen this type of issue in the past and can it be fixed?
I am going to call Leon in the morning but I will have a tough time sleeping tonight.
I have plans to go to the Baltimore Bowmen shoot in a couple weeks and wanted to shoot this bow. Now I'm not sure that will happen.
Any advice?