Chad is a great guy to be around and makes an outstanding bow. I have an Osprey that is very similar in construction to Barry's bow, including the BowBolt, and it shoots lights out! I have always said that a Holm-Made bow is the best buy I know of in a high quality bow. If I were limited to hunting with only my Osprey for the rest of my life, I would miss my other bows but still be a happy man. I have shot half a dozen or more Holm-Made bows, both Ospreys and River Runners, and they all shoot extremely well and are very fast, as Barry stated. The early draw weight not only makes them smooth, it also allows the limbs to store more energy and is part of what makes the bows so fast. Between the River Runner and the Osprey, I slightly prefer the Osprey, but other folks may have a different opinion.