Anyone ever heard of this guy before?
I just picked up a John Brown, Hill-style reflexed longbow & I'm tryin to find out a little more about it.
It has ultra-slim limbs & tiny, non-overlayed tips. Dark green glass on the back & black glass on the belly. It looks to be constructed solely of bamboo, with 4 or 5 laminations (It's very hard to spot the glue-lines to be able to count them) The riser is typicaly Hill-style, with a knife sharp belly-side & a slight dish. The riser is roughly 1" wide & it looks like may be Mesquite (although it's tough to see under the leather grip & side plate.)
The model is a 'Kite Hawk' & it measures 66"
It is marked as 70#@28" & that feels aout right, although I do not have an accurate scale to be able to measure for sure.
Does anyone know anything about these bows?
Anyone got one?
It looks far too well made to be from a one-off, hobby maker (No offence intended) but it's the first I've ever come accross. I'm not a huge Hill fan (Understatement of the year! :D ) but this just appealed to me as somethig a little unusual.