Thanks for sharing the hunt with me Matt, and the story.
I am real new to turkey hunting and had only been out a handful of times before this. Thought it would be good to share the hunt and learn from someone more experienced. Plus, I like to increase the odds of at least being around when a bird goes down to a trad bow!
I had never turkey hunted that property until the day we dropped in there. I had seen them and heard them deer hunting. I had been careful to note where I saw them roost, where I've seen them feed, and where I have heard them. On that property you can hear fall gobbles on a frequent basis up where Matt got his shots.
Pretty interesting that where we saw all those birds and Matt had his shots is an area between a road and a house that's kind of tight and I am sure most gun hunters just ignore it.
We had a blast, but like Matt says, it's not over yet!