I have been trying for 5 years now to get a turkey on the ground with a stickbow. I have had birds that were way out of range and never close enough for a shot, and if I'm not mistaken, I even heard a hen laughing her tailfeathers off when I tried my hand at calling them in with a diaphram call, which sounds more like a sick chicken then a Turkey..
What makes this season so successful in my eyes? I got to spend it with my daughter "lilsqurreltracker". She had passed her hunters education 3 weeks prior, and wanted to tag along to "see what all the fuss was about with Turkey hunting". That way she can decide if she wants to hunt herself next year...
After a 3:30 AM wakeup call from yours truly, we headed out to my favorite spot. I hunt my Uncles land for Turkeys which holds alot of birds, IF I am skilled enough to call one of them in..
"lilsqurreltracker" trying her hand at calling....

A view from the blind..

After a while with only hearing a gobble, and no sightings, a quick pic..Notice her eyelids, the more time that passes, the heavier the ol eyelids get...