My first sighting was just about 12 days ago, just outside the small cemetery near my home. I was driving home and before I even saw the doe (she was pretty nervous!), I saw this little bitty (weebly!) still wet fawn stumble around trying to stand, and then went right to momma's udder and started punching it with it's little nose.
A week later, while surveying some land to the north, I came upon the body of a newborn fawn lying in the backyard of one of the neighboring properties. There were no dogs, and although there are a lot of coyotes the neighbor later told me that the doe gave birth there but then ran off, leaving the fawn, and when they called the DECon (okay, DEC) office they were told to just leave it, we have too many deer as it is. So, they did... I've seen 4 other fawns since then, all in good health. I've gone many many years between fawn sightings in the past, but it seems nowadays more and more, and so far just this year I've seen more than ever in any two years prior. Maybe this year I'll get out hunting more!
Thanks for the pics, WW, I never seem to have my camera with me. It's nice to be able to keep on looking.